Orthopaedic massage is a type of massage therapy which focuses on treating painful conditions which affect the soft tissues of the body. This type of massage may be recommended by a physician who wants a patient to pursue multiple treatment modalities. It gives you a consistently higher level of training and performance and is effective in converting scar tissue into functional fibres.

  • Hands on therapy for people of all ages.
  • Focuses on problems with client’s muscular skeletal system.
  • Helps stretch short muscles, tendons and de-compress joints.
  • Used not only by top athletes but by most people interested in sport.
  • Fitness maintenance and quick recovery from injury.
  • Focuses on assisting the training process.
  • To treat specific conditions and keep clients generally healthy and fit.

Any area to the body that is restricted in movement can and will affect your performance. Every mechanical part of the body should be free to operate at its highest potential.