Rehabilitation Pilates

Joe is a fully qualified Pilates Rehabilitation professional since 2009.  He choose this path in my career after spending several years teaching Pilates to both clients and students, he felt it necessary to further my education in the field of Rehabilitation. He was already practising Neuromuscular Physical Therapy and this was a natural progression to help clients recover and take control of their injuries through exercise movement.

The application of Pilates in a Rehabilitation setting differs from regular Pilates in several ways.

Initial assessment carried out, static and dynamic (movement assessment)

Clinical pathways established from assessment and needs

Education/application to client of corrective exercises. Compensatory patterns addressed

Specific Rehab Pilates exercises for Pathologies

Rehabilitation Pilates can be a discipline one uses to avoid surgery but can also help in recovery from surgery.
Restoring joint integrity and correct muscle firing patterns are areas we work on with clients to achieve what they need in their body.

Benefits of Rehabilitation Pilates:

  • Designed exercises to address specific needs.
  • Thorough application of exercises
  • Programs designed by Physiotherapists and sports science professions for Clinical professionals in helping achieve optimal results with clients.
  • Restores movement, helps stability, timing and control.
  • Addresses movement dysfunction.
  • Helps improve posture related issues in the body.
  • Specific programme detail implemented
  • Functional integration and progression planned and applied.
  • Application of motor learning with client, ie teaching the client about their injury and how they can overcome it through movement and awareness.
  • Clinical pathways to help clients recover.
  • Continuous assessment.

STOTT PILATES in the rehab setting:

Assessment and treatment tool for addressing biomechanical compensatory patterns leading to dysfunction:

Joint and neural mobilization

Segmental and multi-segmental stabilization

Strengthening of musculo- skeletal system

Postural re-education

Development of awareness and control

Progression through activity- specific training

Motor Learning Theory and stages

Integrated model of joint stability

Clinical Reasoning Pathways applied

Relative Strength and Mobility

Conditions the Rehabilitation program addresses

Common Conditions to be addressed in Rehab

Sacroiliac joint pain

Pubic symphysis instability and pain


Labral tears

Femoral head syndromes

Piriformis and deep lateral rotator dysfunction

Achilles tendonopathies



Acute disc dysfunction

Subacromial impingement

TMJ disorders


Joint replacement

Ligament strains and tears

Tennis/Golfer’s elbow

“The body takes the path of least resistance…even if mobility is there but the segment is stiff, movement shifts to the area with less resistance…the result is altered movement patterns even under low loads, which causes compression, altered axis of movement and altered recruitment patterns.” Sahrmann 2002